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[07-22 00:48:06]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8109
概要:只接不定式作宾语的动词通常有:afford, agree, aim, apply, arrange, appear, attempt, beg, bother, care, claim,choose,clamor, conclude, contract, contrive, consent, dare,decide, deign,demand,desire, determine, die, elect, engage, essay, expect, endeavor, fail,fix, guarantee,hope, hasten, hesitate,itch,incline, long, learn, manage,offer, plan, pledge, plot, prepare, proceed, presume, pretend, promise, profess,purport, propose, pant, pine, refuse, request, resolve, seem, seek, set, settle,swear,


  afford, agree, aim, apply, arrange, appear, attempt, beg, bother, care, claim,choose,clamor, conclude, contract, contrive, consent, dare,decide, deign,demand,desire, determine, die, elect, engage, essay, expect, endeavor, fail,fix, guarantee,hope, hasten, hesitate,itch,incline, long, learn, manage,offer, plan, pledge, plot, prepare, proceed, presume, pretend, promise, profess,purport, propose, pant, pine, refuse, request, resolve, seem, seek, set, settle,swear, strive, scheme, tend, think, threaten, thirst, trouble, undertake, unite,venture, volunteer, vow, wish, want, yearno通常跟一lng作宾语的动词有:

  acknowledge, admit, adore, admire, advocate, allow, anticipate, appreciate,avoid, await, bar, complete, confess,consider, contemplate,defend, defer,delay, deny, detest, discuss, dispute, dread, discourage, doubt, discontinue,entail,endanger, encourage, enjoy,ensure, escape, face, facilitate,fancy,favor, finish, forbid,forgive, funk,foresee, grudge, hinder, imagine, include,involve,impede, justify,keep,mention, mind, miss, overlook, pardon, permit,postpone, practice, prevent, prohibit, quit, recall,recollect, relish,renounce .repent,report, resist, resume,risk, recommend,save, suggest, tolerate,understand,warrant3.3.5词义搭配词义搭配指名词、形容词、动词和副词之间的搭配,搭配中不涉及介词、不定式或从句。词义搭配有以下几种:

  A.名词+名词calf love早恋ceiling price最高限价stage fright」法场draught beer扎啤shoe polish鞋油relief fund贩款dust jacket包书纸baby doctor小儿科医生whiz kid神童student teacher实习老师house arrest软禁vanity surgery美容术B.动词+名词以Kill为例:kill the joy扫兴kill a bill否决1个议案kill the time消磨时光kill the flower把花浇死kill the chance葬送机会kill a newspaper story将一则新闻搁置不用再如 embrace: embrace the opportunity抓住机会embrace the offer欣然接受建议embrace other academic disciplines包括其他学科embrace communism信仰共产主义embrace a new profession开始从事1项新职业C.形容词十名词common enemies共同的敌人mutual friends共同的朋友addled egg臭蛋putrid fish臭鱼rancid bacon臭熏肉pornographic pictures黄色电影filthy books黄色书刊vulgar music黄色音乐crash course速成课instant coffee速溶咖啡deep forest森林深处profound learning深奥的学问strong tea浓茶dense smoke浓烟,    thick soap浓汤paramount leader最高领导人supreme court最高法院D.动词+副词N 1 In writing the essay he drew heavily on the encyclopedia. www.dxs56.com


  例2 The ploughman sweated profusely.


  例3 He smiled faintly.


  例4 He argued vigorously for the bill二他拼命地为这项议案辩护。

  例5 Our class advisor criticized him roundly.


  例6 He refused my invitation flatly.



  英语中使用频率很高的强化副词分别是“very", "extremely", "completely",”


  例1 If the readers expected the usual glowing travelogue, they would besorely surprised.


  例2 This girl is vastly pretty.这女孩非常漂亮。

  例3 He is a dreadfully good man他是一个非常好的人。

  例4 She is breathtakingly beautiful.她长得美极了。

  例5 They are fearfully talented people.他们是才气横溢之辈。

  例6 Pork is hideously expensive now.猪肉现在贵得惊人。

  F比喻性度量词组+名词a flood of literature大量文献a sea of debt大量债务a wealth of synonyms大量的同义词an avalanche of letters大量信件a mountain of cares大量的烦恼a heap of time大量的时间an arsenal of pistols大量的手枪3.3.6破格搭配破格搭配指的是:人们为了达到一定的修辞目的,有意冲破搭配限制,创造出新的、非惯常的搭配关系。但读者和听者仍然可以理解它们的意思,因而这种搭配是有意义的。有些作者为了表达特殊的文风,往往会使用一些常人所不用的违背常规的搭配,这类用法超出人们的心理预期,此时便可能会取得特殊的文体效果。运用恰当可使语句产生特殊的修辞效果。例如:

  "At noon, Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humor, put on kimono,airs andthe water to boil for coffee."在这一例句中同时运用了两个破格搭配,使该句取得了很好的修辞效果: www.dxs56.com

  get out of bed为正常搭配,而get out of humor(心情不佳)为不正常措配;puton kimono(穿上和服)和put on airs(摆架子)为正常搭配,而put on water则违反逻辑,为不正常搭配。又例:

  He couldn't pull it. Both were naked. Two naked men. Stripped of clothes.

  Stripped of names. Stripped of nationality. Stripped of their khakied selves.他不能扣动扳机,两人都赤身****,两个****的人一一剥去了衣服,剥去了姓名,剥去了国籍,剥去了他们着黄咔叽布军服的本性。

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