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[07-22 00:47:18]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8811
概要:5.3 Poetry Translation According to AestheticsWe know that poetry are also full of beauty, it has something to do with music, paintings, architecture, philosophy and so on. When poetry is translated, we can create an artistic bridge among them. We should translate it with the right and familiar symbol in the other language.6 ConclusionPoetry is the most sublime and concentrated literary genres; it demands freshness in artistic conception. The translation of poetry observes ge
  5.3 Poetry Translation According to Aesthetics
  We know that poetry are also full of beauty, it has something to do with music, paintings, architecture, philosophy and so on. When poetry is translated, we can create an artistic bridge among them. We should translate it with the right and familiar symbol in the other language.
  6 Conclusion
  Poetry is the most sublime and concentrated literary genres; it demands freshness in artistic conception. The translation of poetry observes general translation theories and attaches great importance to the conveyance of aesthetic effect of the original.
  In poetry translation circle, different people have different opinions on possibility of poetry translation. Especially for CCP, most translators, writers and scholars make efforts to maintain the original flavor of it. Because this is a special culture of China, it is the quintessence of Chinese wits. It has the task to deliver the glory of China with a five thousand-year history. Delivering the right flavor of CCP, it is also helpful for foreigners to understand our culture better and shorten the distance between each other. This cultural bridge is favorable for promoting our understanding and friendship.
  By adopting integrated perspectives, the thesis analyzes the untranslatability of CCP according to the concrete example.
  First, this thesis begins with a general introduction of poetry and the untranalatability of CCP. In this part, firstly, it states the necessity of CCP translation——CCP is the wonderful cultural fortune. It is interested in people home and abroad. Then it points out that the main problem of CCP translation is untranslatability of artistic conception, and it states some poets, scholars or translators’ views to favor that poetry can not be translated, especially its artistic conception. Because CCP is the oldest literary form and artistic conception is its core, it reflects man’s heart and soul. It is also the picture of man’s senses and imagination. If the artistic conception is reduced or disappears, poems can not be called “poems”. In the second part, by comparing the Chinese and English version of Long Longing, we find that this kind of feeling is reduced after translating, some even disappears. We call “what is lost in the CCP translation” as “artistic conception”. Part three mainly discusses three problems. First, from some views of experts in translation circle, we know that artistic conception is the very general quality in poetry and the most important aesthetics requirement in CCP translation. We should be regard it as the eternal pursuit. Second, it analyzes artistic conception in details. And it finds three reasons for untranslatability of artistic conception. They are different thought pattern and spirit, different life backgrounds and styles and the poet’s thought and feeling. In the forth part, it cites Sapir’s words and Sapir-Worfian hypothesis as its theoretical bases. The centralized perspective is that artistic conception translation in CCP is impossible because of the cultural specification. In the fifth part, it concludes there are three solutions to untranslatability of artistic conception according to the above mentioned causes. The last part refers to the importance of CCP translation and reviews the whole thesis. It concludes there are several methods to deliver the artistic conception of CCP as much as possible, such as (1) following time and space, (2) reviewing the ideal and reality, (3) feeling in your heart. The solutions mainly focus on background, thought and aesthetics. www.dxs56.com
  From the thesis, we know that artistic conception of CCP can not be delivered completely during its translation. But we can seek common points while reserving difference to find the cultural joint to smooth the CCP translation and deliver the Chinese culture to the whole world.
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