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[07-22 00:47:18]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8811
概要:To sum up, the artistic conception of poetry is the agreement of the poet’s strong feeling and vivid objects. It is the artistic bourn which is not the same as real life but can be trusted. It is the complex of sensation and scenery or the combination of form and spirit which both are created in artistic expression. From the philosophical view, it is regarded as the reflection of thought and exist or the results of subject and object. It is the unification among them. From th
  To sum up, the artistic conception of poetry is the agreement of the poet’s strong feeling and vivid objects. It is the artistic bourn which is not the same as real life but can be trusted. It is the complex of sensation and scenery or the combination of form and spirit which both are created in artistic expression. From the philosophical view, it is regarded as the reflection of thought and exist or the results of subject and object. It is the unification among them. From the aesthetic view, “sensation” in the poetry includes the author’s feeling and philosophy. “Bourn” means the spirit and form of the object. So artistic conception is the harmonious unification of these four elements——sensation, philosophy, form and spirit. Artistic conception is the essence of the CCP. Conveying the right the artistic conception is the point of displaying the spirit of the poetry.
  3.2.2 Expressional Techniques of Artistic Conception
  This part states three expressional techniques of artistic conception. Association and Imagination
  There is no poetry without imagination and association. The readers master the artistic conception of poetry by grasping the described scene and atmosphere, especially using association and imagination. We have to imagine the concrete, vivid and visual pictures which are expressional by exquisite language. These scenes are the reflection of the poet’s careful observation, experienced imagination and emotion release to reality. www.dxs56.com
  Let’s take the poem of Long Longing as an example. In the poem, the sentence “Flow to the old ferry of Guachow, The hills in Wu bow in sorrow.” (“流到瓜洲古渡头,吴山点点愁。”) And “My grieving seems to grow, My longing seems to grow, Grow until comes back my yokefellow, We lean on the rail in moonglow.” (“思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。”), It is full of imagination and association. Where is the ends of the two rivers? Is it Guazhou? Does the Wu Hill have sorrow? We have no idea. Is there someone leans on the rail and misses her husband? It is unknown. How were these sentences created by the poet? The answer is association and imagination. By this means, the poet associated the end of the two rivers is Guazhou and imagined the Wu Hill has emotion. He described the picture of the woman as if he saw the true scene. Self-experience
  Any kind of feeling of human is from their lives. The poets created their poems by using the daily materials in their lives.
  Bai Juyi, the poet of Long Longing, lived in the Tang Dynasty. So the set of the poem was chaos caused by war. People hated the war and long for reuniting with their relatives and lovers. The ruling class at that time was punk. The poet was upright and care about sufferings of people. From the above, we know that the whole poem was created on history, the author’s experience and so on. Reflection of the Poet’s Thought and Feeling
  The world of poetry is the world of thought and feeling. Poets always release their thought and feeling in their creation. So we have to grasp these two elements of the poets. Here we need to know the basic modes of combination of feeling and scenery in CCP. They are feeling expression while seeing the scenery, direct expression, feeling bailment to scenery and bringing out the best to each other between feeling and scenery. www.dxs56.com
  When people translate Long Longing, they should get a general idea of the poet, that is to say the author’s thought and feeling. We can get these from the poet. The thought of the poet Bai Juyi is the integration of Confucianism and Taoism. Doing things is in accord with the directing thought of Confucianism that giving a hand to people of the nation when you get rich and being good to people even when you are poor. The ideal of his “helping the others” is on the basis of humanity of the Confucianism and the thought of Lao zi and Han Feizi. The thought of solitude is from Zhuang Zi. The Chinese expression is indirect, but the English Version seems more direct. We have to create the artistic conception of poetry according to the poet’s emotion.
  Generally speaking, these are the representative methods of creating artistic conception. As long as we grasp the techniques of the creation of artistic conception, it is easy for us to study the reasons of untranslatability of artistic conception in CCP. After comprehending of artistic conception, we need to get the general knowledge of untranslatability to extend our topic.
  3.2.3 Definition of Untranslatability
  The Longman Dictionary says: “it is impossible for the translators to find the exact equivalents for some certain language phenomena, such as the internal beauty, mental conception, thinking methods, inner feeling, different culture, and so on. We can not convey all the elements the same as the source of the text, the aim of the primary author. Therefore here comes the issue of untranslatability.”(许海峰,20xx:1582). After the general grasp of untranslatability, we’d analyze what causes it.

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