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[07-22 00:47:18]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8811
概要:3.3 Causes of Untranslatabilty of Artistic ConceptionThis thesis intends to analyze the causes for untranslatability of artistic conception we mentioned above. They are association and imagination, life experience and poets’ thought and feeling,.www.dxs56.com3.3.1 Untranslatability Due to Different Spirit and Thought PatternSpirit, as one aspect of culture, refers to what people think, including the patterns of thought, values, worldviews, aesthetic sentiments etc. It also in
  3.3 Causes of Untranslatabilty of Artistic Conception
  This thesis intends to analyze the causes for untranslatability of artistic conception we mentioned above. They are association and imagination, life experience and poets’ thought and feeling,. www.dxs56.com
  3.3.1 Untranslatability Due to Different Spirit and Thought Pattern
  Spirit, as one aspect of culture, refers to what people think, including the patterns of thought, values, worldviews, aesthetic sentiments etc. It also includes the products of people’s thinking, such as philosophy, literature, history; paintings, sculptures and so on. And custom and system culture means the ways of life and social organization. These two belong to the category to ideology and always filter into each other, so it’s hard for people to distinguish them sometime and there is usually no sharp borderline between them.
  Thought pattern, or pattern of thought, means the usual way in which people tend to use in their thinking. It is formed under the influence of its culture. People of different cultures have different characteristics in terms of thought pattern although they have a lot in common. Even different people think in their own particular way, and the differences between thought patterns may be much greater among people from different culture. For example, people who speak English think that there is direct links between thoughts and ideas and the real world. So they attach great importance to reason and logic and they believe if they follow the correct steps of logic, they can find truth. They tend to think in an analytical way. Chinese people, however, tend to think in a synthetic way.
  The difference can also be reflected in language. Chinese thought pattern thinks much of the integration, figurativity and suggestibility of language while western cultures think much of the analyticity, logic and structuralization of the language.
  The way of thought and spirit always has differences between each other. Philosophical beauty of spirit is always an obvious point of brightness. For example, Picking Chrysanthemum written by Tao Yuanming, it reflects the philosophy that inaction of Lao Zi. In Wang Wei’s Poems, it always reflects being not sought fame and wealth, cultivation and so on. Architectural beauty of thought is also revealed in CCP. For example, when we read some love poetry, maybe we imagine some places just like pavilions, but when people in other nations read these poems, they maybe imagine Gothic buildings or other places. You can imagine the vague frames of the buildings when you read these poems. They can be grand or pastel and so on. www.dxs56.com
  By comparing the Chinese and English version of the poem Long Longing, we mentioned in the second part that in the different versions there are some ways of different thoughts. It has something to do with what mentioned in the following.
  Aesthetic judgments in Chinese old ideology all originate from traditional aesthetics. Traditional aesthetics also originate from traditional Confucian aesthetics and syncretize with the thought of Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, metaphysics, Buddhism and zen during its development. It has developed a system of aesthetics which differs from that of west. The core of Taoist philosophy is “harmoniousness”—people give the way to nature and introject into it. Zhuang Zi’s theory of that “all creatures grow up with me together and all of they and I can amalgamate as one thing provide a philosophical premise for the aesthetics of artistic conception which is “substances and people coexist”, “the subject and object incorporate”. The content of the thought of “advancement and retreat, syncretization between nature and human” is different from that of Taoism. It pays more attention to the experience in nature. In the meantime, it cares about the harmonious relationship between human and nature. From Qing and Han Dynasty, the thought of Confucian, Taoism were planted in Chinese cultural genes. It is used in creation of poetry widely. Just like some people said: “the form of Chinese wits is not only an ability of thinking or rational pattern, but also a witty pattern of thinking which can be called artistic mental structure.” The main part of the artistic mental structure includes artistic conception. It influences the field of our CCP. Although the influences of traditional philosophy have already been declined, as an injection of culture with several thousand years, the thought of Chinese is unavoidably influenced by these two thoughts of philosophy. They have injected to heads and lives of our Chinese, and will pass on endlessly. www.dxs56.com
  3.3.2 Untranslatability Due to Different Life Backgrounds and Styles
  We know that history is one of the factors of untranslatability of artistic conception of CCP. There is a saying that Chinese poets always were born answer for the age, and they also are the reflection of that age. The theme of their poems derives from the reality, the ruling class, ordinary people and so on.

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