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[10-15 18:32:55]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  技巧经验   阅读:8645
概要:31问:你如何丰富你目前就任的工作?答:回想1993年时,我是一家电报和无线电公司的研究助理。正当我们取得飞速发展时,我们的价格分析员为了另一份好工作突然辞职了。在找人填补他位置的过程中,我协助完成了几个主要的政府项目之一。我常加班加点,并且努力学习,并使这个项目获得肯定。我因此而受到赞扬,并被告知我将纳入下次举办的价格小组。展示一项能不断地为你的工作增值的能力。有什么新的机会能挑战你的技能和智力?面试官想确信你不会对你的工作感到厌倦或对之不抱幻想。Q: How could you enrich your current job?A: When I was a research assistant for the cable and wireless company back in ninetythree, at a time when we were experiencing rapid growth, our pricing analyst abruptly resigned for a better job. During t



Q:  How could you enrich your current job?

A:  When I was a research assistant for the cable and wireless company back in ninetythree, at a time when we were experiencing rapid growth, our pricing analyst abruptly resigned for a better job. During the search to fill his position, I volunteered to help out with one of the major government projects. I worked considerable overtime, studied on my own, and helped bring the project to conclusion. I was commended for my effort and was told I’d be in line for the next opening in the pricing group.



Q:  How do you explain your job successes?

A:  I never assume our customers are satisfied with our product,  so I do my best to follow up with every customer. This feedback has provided valuable insight into the quality and characteristics of our products. The customer, as well, always appreciates this followup, especially when something hasnt gone right and you still have the opportunity to correct it on a timely basis. In addition, I’m able to pass on information to our design and production units to help improve both process and product. 



Q:  Compared to others with a similar background in your field, how would you rate yourself?

A:  I have been consistently ranked in the top 10 percent nationally for all salespeople in my field. I sell advertising space for a national news publication. My clients are primarily large and agencies that represent corporate in America. Ive always enjoyed the challenge of selling to advertisingagency executives because they always set high standards and really know our product well. This brings out the very best in my competitive nature, and Im consistently at the top, both within my publishing company and within the industry. www.dxs56.com



Q:  How good are your writing abilities?

A:  I really concentrated on further developing my writing skills while I got my MBA. I took an entrepreneurial class in which the chief assignment was developing, writing, and continually rewriting a very involved business plan



Q:  What would you say are the broad responsibilities of an editorial assistant?

A:  Though I’m sure it varies from company to company, I think it would be safe to say that being an editorial assistant involves a lot of typing, filing, and general administrative work.  I would probably be expected to read and evaluate book proposals, write manuscript rejection letters, have some limited correspondence with authors, and generally assist the editor in whatever needed to be done. 

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