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当前位置:大学生无虑网公文范文秘书行政外贸信函接到订单并通知装船信函» 正文


[10-15 18:38:00]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  外贸信函   阅读:8520
概要:Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for kitchen ware and would advise that dispatch will be by M/V ‘Evergreen’around April 15. This is well within the time you specified.Our bank has confirmed receipt of your draft.For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities,and shall submit a quaterly statement.Your credit maximum will be @ 10,000. Yours faithfully,中文对照 敬启者: 贵方订购厨房用具一函已收悉,交由长绿轮承运,并于4月15日出发,特此函告。 我们已在贵方规定时限内完成,

  Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for kitchen ware and would advise that dispatch will be by M/V ‘Evergreen’around April 15. This is well within the time you specified.Our bank has confirmed receipt of your draft.For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities,and shall submit a quaterly statement.Your credit maximum will be @ 10,000. Yours faithfully,

  中文对照 敬启者: 贵方订购厨房用具一函已收悉,交由长绿轮承运,并于4月15日出发,特此函告。 我们已在贵方规定时限内完成,且我方银行已确认接到贵方支票。为便于今后联系起见,我们同意贵方按季提出结报书,但是贵方信用款额最多只能为美金10,000元。 ×××敬上

Tag:外贸信函外贸商务信函,外贸英语信函秘书行政 - 外贸信函
