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当前位置:大学生无虑网大学生专栏励志人生心灵鸡汤2010年上海世博会» 正文


[10-15 19:47:26]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  心灵鸡汤   阅读:8805
概要:2010年上海世博会2010年上海世博会是有史以来规模最大的,展会将从2010年5月至10月,为期184天,预计参观人数可达7000万人次。前来参加盛会的游客,可自由出入世博会的五大展区,欣赏超过200个国家和地区的展馆。2010 Shanghai World Expo2010 Shanghai World Expo will be the largest ever, the exhibition will be in May 2010 to 10 months, a period of 184 days, the number of visitors is expected to reach 70 million passengers. Visitors attending the event, freely out of the five major WTO Fair Pavilion and enjoy the more than 200 countries and territories exhibition hall.支持上海,支持中国
2010 Shanghai World Expo
2010 Shanghai World Expo will be the largest ever, the exhibition will be in May 2010 to 10 months, a period of 184 days, the number of visitors is expected to reach 70 million passengers. Visitors attending the event, freely out of the five major WTO Fair Pavilion and enjoy the more than 200 countries and territories exhibition hall.
To support Shanghai's support for China's support of the Chinese nation
2010 Shanghai World Expo
2010 Shanghai World Expo
2010 Shanghai World Expo will be the largest ever, the exhibition will be in May 2010 to 10 months, a period of 184 days, the number of visitors is expected to reach 70 million passengers. Visitors attending the event, freely out of the five major WTO Fair Pavilion and enjoy the more than 200 countries and territories exhibition hall.
To support Shanghai's support for China's support of the Chinese nation
2010 Shanghai World Expo
To support Shanghai's support for China's support of the Chinese nation

Tag:心灵鸡汤心灵鸡汤全集,心灵鸡汤故事励志人生 - 心灵鸡汤