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[10-27 16:46:27]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  大学英语四级考试试题   阅读:80
概要:Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.41. It is not difficult to ________ the idea that machines may communicate information to us.A) admitB) receiveC) acceptD) convince(C)42. I have not the least

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)
  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
  41. It is not difficult to ________ the idea that machines may communicate information to us.
  A) admit
  B) receive
  C) accept
  D) convince(C)
  42. I have not the least ________ of hurting your feelings.
  A) concept
  B) intention
  C) mind
  D) purpose(B)
  43. As the shortage of certain metals approaches, others must be found to take their ________.
  A) share
  B) place
  C) role
  D) shape(B)
  44. The new power station is reported ________ within three years.
  A) to have completed
  B) to have been completed
  C) having Been completed
  D) to complete(B)
  45. Mary is in bed with a fever and she can’t hope to ________ the cold in a few day.
  A) get over
  B) get away
  C) get off
  D) get out(A)
  46. Although the weather was very had, the buses still ran on ________.
  A) list
  B) plan
  C) schedule
  D) arrangement(C)
  47. The situation today is obviously quite different from ________ it was only 50 years ago.
  A) what
  B) which
  C) when
  D) such(A)
  48. Soon, Americans hope, the rains will return and ease the hardship ________ U.S. farmers.
  A) faced
  B) faces
  C) facing
  D) to face(C)
  49. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they ________ better health.
  A) could have enjoyed
  B) have been enjoying
  C) had enjoyed
  D) are enjoying(B)
  50. It is much easier to talk about social change than to ________.
  A) bring it on
  B) bring it about
  C) burning it up
  D) bring it out(B)
  51. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked ________.
  A) mindless
  B) unaware
  C) brainless
  D) unconscious(D)
  52. He likes doing some reading at home to the cinema.
  A) than to go
  B) than going
  C) more than going
  D) rather than to go(C)
  53. ________ neglecting our education, my father sent my brother and me to a summer school.
  A) Accused of
  B) Accusing of
  C) That he was accused of
  D) To be accused of(A)
  54. I bought a new house last year, but I ________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.
  A) did not sell
  B) do not sell
  C) had not sold
  D) have not sold(D)
  55. She didn’t regret paying 200 dollars for the bookcase. As a matter or a fact, she would gladly have paid ________ for it.
  A) as much twice
  B) much as twice
  C) as twice much
  D) twice as much(D)


 56. By the time you get to Beijing tomorrow, I ________ for Shanghai.
  A) am leaving
  B) should have left
  C) will leave
  D) have already left(B)
  57. It was essential that all the necessary documents ________ to the president’s office being the end of this month.
  A) be handed in
  B) must be handed in
  C) should
  D) had been handed in(A)
  58. The car is quite ________ of petrol.
  A) economic
  B) economical
  C) saving
  D) sparing(B)
  59. The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I ________ here 50 minutes sooner.
  A) would be
  B) should be
  C) had been
  D) would have been(D)
  60. ________ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes.
  A) Except for
  B) With regard to
  C) Despite
  D) Although(C)
  61. The socks were too small and it was only by ________ them that he managed to get them on.
  A) spreading
  B) extending
  C) lengthening
  D) stretching(D)
  62. Language can be defined as a tool by which human beings ________ with one another.
  A) associate
  B) connect
  C) communicate
  D) correspond(C)
  63. As a small boy, he was slow ________ learning to read and write.
  A) on
  B) with
  C) in
  D) about(C)
  64. Tony was ________ a mile of the hotel when he ran out of petrol.
  A) within
  B) inside
  C) about
  D) off(D)
  65. It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it will prove to be worth the money ________.
  A) in the long run
  B) in conclusion
  C) at long last
  D) at the end(A)
  66. I don’t know why he ________ in the middle of a sentence.
  A) broke off
  B) broke out
  C) broke through

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