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行为模式面试 Behavioral interviews

[10-15 19:48:03]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  面试技巧   阅读:8350
概要:Behavioral interviews/questionsBehavioral interviews/questions use past behaviour as a predictor of future performance. This interview method is also referred to as targeted selection. Applicants have to be able to give specific examples of their experiences as a way of showing that they can meet the critical requirements of a job. In theory, such interviews should involve a number of interviewers, though this is not always the case. Examples of how a behavioral interview may
行为模式面试 Behavioral interviews,标签:公务员面试技巧,面试的技巧,http://www.dxs56.com

Behavioral interviews/questions

Behavioral interviews/questions use past behaviour as a predictor of future performance. This interview method is also referred to as targeted selection. Applicants have to be able to give specific examples of their experiences as a way of showing that they can meet the critical requirements of a job. In theory, such interviews should involve a number of interviewers, though this is not always the case.

Examples of how a behavioral interview may operate can be understood by thinking about the following interview questions. Here are some interview questions, first presented in a direct interview format and then as behavioral questions.

"Are you good at problem solving?" becomes "Describe a problem you have been asked to solve. What did you do? What alternatives did you consider? Did you succeed or fail? Why?"
"How do you go about making decisions?" becomes "Give me an example of a good decision you have made recently. What were the alternatives you considered? Why was it a good decision?"

Behavioral simulations--creating a work-related scenario--can be used to supplement information collected during the interview. For example, in an interview for a position which requires a lot of client contact and customer service, the following work place problem may be created: "Imagine your major client phones on a Friday afternoon with a problem which requires immediate attention and a solution before Monday morning. However, you have committed yourself to a social weekend with your immediate supervisor and other managers who may be able to assist your progress through the organisation. What is your response to this situation?"

Your answers to these sorts of simulations can reveal your approach to prioritising, problem-solving, loyalty and commitment. In preparing for such interviews, you need to carefully research the qualities required to carry out the job, and then reflect on how your previous experiences could be relevant and could be used to demonstrate your competence and suitability. Real experiences, not simply what you may do in hypothetical situations, give the interviewers an idea of your ability.


predictor n. 预测器                    be referred to as被称为
target vt.瞄准,定向                  critical adj.关键的
alternative n.备选方案               simulation n.模拟
scenario n.场景                         supplement vt.补充
commit vt.承诺,致力于              immediate supervisor 顶头上司
social weekend 周末社交           prioritise vt.以优先顺序排列
loyalty n.忠诚                            commitment n.致力,守诺
reflect vi.思考                            relevant adj.相关的
demonstrate vt.证实, 展示         competence n.能力
hypothetical adj.假设的      

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