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[07-21 13:22:52]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  应聘信   阅读:8928
概要:怎样写好一份英文应聘信,在撰写英文应聘信的时候应注意哪些应聘信的格式呢?接下来本网为您提供一篇英文应聘信范文参考。September 30, 20xxAlan SmithPersonnel OfficerHuman Resources Department321 Toronto St.Toronto ONA1A 1A1Dear Mr. Smith,I would like to be considered for the Senior Customer Service Representative position which your company advertised in the September 28th edition of the Toronto Employment News.My qualifications and experience complement the responsibilities outlined in your advertisement and include almost 10 years&rsqu


  September 30, 20xx

  Alan Smith
  Personnel Officer
  Human Resources Department
  321 Toronto St.
  Toronto ON
  A1A 1A1

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I would like to be considered for the Senior Customer Service Representative position which your company advertised in the September 28th edition of the Toronto Employment News.

  My qualifications and experience complement the responsibilities outlined in your advertisement and include almost 10 years’ experience in retail industry. I have been able to advance in my career through demonstrated initiative and the ability to work effectively under pressure. In my most recent position as Customer Service Representative, I have had the opportunity to work independently in a complex environment which has strengthened my communication and organizational skills.

  I look forward to hearing from you in order to discuss this opportunity in further detail. I can be reached at 416-123-4567, and a message can be left on my machine if I am not available.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Yours sincerely,


  Jing Chen


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