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[12-29 18:09:07]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8305
概要: Career Objective To obtain a challenging position as an assistant with an emphasis in chemical engineering translation or technology service. Personal Data Name: Li Ping Sex: Female Research Aspect Functional composites: Foreign Language:English Education :Postgraduate Major:Polymer Material Political Status: CPC Member Health: Well Mailing Address Post graduate, Grade3, Material, College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao UniversityQingdao, Shandao Province (xxxxxx) Ed

Career Objective

 To obtain a challenging position as an assistant with an emphasis in chemical engineering translation or technology service.

Personal Data

 Name: Li Ping

 Sex: Female

Research Aspect

 Functional composites: Foreign


  Education :Postgraduate

  Major:Polymer Material

 Political Status:  CPC Member

 Health: Well

Mailing Address

 Post graduate, Grade3, Material,  College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University

Qingdao, Shandao Province  (xxxxxx)


 xxxx.9-xxxx.6 Dept. of Material, College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University, M.E.

 xxxx.9-xxxx.7 Dept. of Polymer Science and Technology, Material Science and Engineering College, Taiyuan University of Technology, B.E.

Major Curriculums

 Modification of Polymer Materials, Functional Composites, Chemistry of Functional Materials, Application of Computer in Chemistry, Nano Materials, Organic Synthesization, Modern Research Techniques in Materials.

Computer Abilities

 Skilled in use of Office XP, Widows 20xx/XP, and chemical application software such as Origin, and Chemsketch.

Language Skills

 Have a good command of both spoken and written English and Past CET-6. Know a little Japanese.

Special Skills

 Have a passion for the communication

Academic Activities

 10/xxxx International Rubber/Plastic Conference, Qingdao

Vacation jobs

 10/xxxx-12/xxxx Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao, Qingdao, Waitress

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