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英文简历范文:Paralegal Resume

[12-29 18:08:53]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8685
概要:Paralegal Resume TemplateAmanda Hillcrest8374 Banker StLos Angeles, CA 90213(919) 555 - 2364__________________ObjectivePosition as a paralegal.SkillsStrong oral and written communication skills. Detail oriented; adherance to deadlines and budgets.Familiar with a variety of computer applications: Word, Excell, Powerpoint, etc.ExperienceHawthorne & Burke, Los Angeles, CAParalegal, 1998 - PresentResponsibilities included scheduling appointments; arguing motions; conferencing cas
英文简历范文:Paralegal Resume,标签:英文简历范文,英文简历模板下载,http://www.dxs56.com
Paralegal Resume Template

Amanda Hillcrest
8374 Banker St
Los Angeles, CA 90213
(919) 555 - 2364

Position as a paralegal.


Strong oral and written communication skills.
Detail oriented; adherance to deadlines and budgets.
Familiar with a variety of computer applications: Word, Excell, Powerpoint, etc.


Hawthorne & Burke, Los Angeles, CA
Paralegal, 1998 - Present
Responsibilities included scheduling appointments; arguing motions; conferencing cases in pre-trial procedure; drafting notices of discovery, subpoenas, and complaints; and preparing clients for examination before trial hearings.

Franklin County Municipal Court, Riverside, CA
Judicial Assistant, 1992 - 1997
Participated in civil and criminal trials, took depositions, and drafted court decisions.


University of California, Riverside, CA
Certificate, Paralegal Studies, 1992

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