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[05-13 15:05:54]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英文简历   阅读:8854
概要: Personal Information:Name:Sijia TuGender:FemaleData of Birth:Sep 11, 1990Age:21Graduate school:Shanghai UniversityMarriage Status:SingleEmail:www.wdjl.netMobile Phone:138000Address:Room XX ,No.8888Lane ,Guoshun East Road, ShanghaiEducation Experience:20xx/09—20xx/06:Yangpu Campus School20xx/09—20xx/06:Fudan Senior High School20xx/09—now:Shanghai University(undergraduate course) financial managementPersonal Honor:Chinese students Composition ContestThird Pri

  Personal Information:

  Name:Sijia Tu


  Data of Birth:Sep 11, 1990


  Graduate school:Shanghai University

  Marriage Status:Single


  Mobile Phone:138000

  Address:Room XX ,No.8888Lane ,Guoshun East Road, Shanghai

  Education Experience:

  20xx/09—20xx/06:Yangpu Campus School

  20xx/09—20xx/06:Fudan Senior High School

  20xx/09—now:Shanghai University(undergraduate course) financial management

  Personal Honor:

  Chinese students Composition Contest

  Third Prize

  Shanghai Yangpu District Composition Competition

  Second Prize

  Writing ContestFirst Prize www.dxs56.com

  English Writing CompetitionFirst Prize

  Member of Reporter corp in Shanghai University Students Union

  Excellent Member of Volunteer Group in 20xx Shanghai Expo

  Social Experience:

  20xx/07--08:World Expo(Group) Shanghai Modern International Exhibition Co.,LTD


  Shanghai International Paper Industry Exhibition of Advertising Printing and Packaging

  Foreigner Reception

  20xx/10Yongle Electric Appliance Center

  Commissioner of Sales Promotion

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