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[07-22 00:46:30]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  英语论文   阅读:8594
概要:摘要:英语委婉语是人类语言中的一种普遍现象。它是人们在社会交际过程中,为了实现预期的交际效果而创造出的一种有效的言语表达方式。是语言的各个种类中极富有色彩和活跃的元素。同时也是人们使用语言协调人际关系的重要手段。在语言交流的过程中,委婉语起着很重要的作用。人们使用英语委婉语,可以实现表达自如,也可以让人与人之间的交流变得融洽。人类历史证明,委婉语,尤其是英语委婉语是人们实现成功交际目的的重要方式。为了使人们对英语委婉语有足够的认识,本文将重点介绍英语委婉语的特点和交际功能,以利于人们对英语的语言和文化有更好的了解。本文共分为四部分。第一部分是对委婉语的总体介绍。在这部分,作者首先介绍了委婉语的定义,然后分析了英语委婉语产生的根源。接着在第二部分,作者应用了大量的实例,结合特定的英语语境深入分析英语委婉语的特点,即:时代性,民族性,地域性,习语性和语域性。通过分析, 我们可以对委婉语有进一步的了解。第三部分是对委婉语交际功能的讨论,通过作者的阐述并辅以实例,委婉语在人们交往过程中所起的作用一目了然,其婉转含蓄的表达美化了语言,使人们的社交生活更为和



  本文共分为四部分。第一部分是对委婉语的总体介绍。在这部分,作者首先介绍了委婉语的定义,然后分析了英语委婉语产生的根源。接着在第二部分,作者应用了大量的实例,结合特定的英语语境深入分析英语委婉语的特点,即:时代性,民族性,地域性,习语性和语域性。通过分析, 我们可以对委婉语有进一步的了解。第三部分是对委婉语交际功能的讨论,通过作者的阐述并辅以实例,委婉语在人们交往过程中所起的作用一目了然,其婉转含蓄的表达美化了语言,使人们的社交生活更为和谐。同时也有助于我们在跨文化交际中更加准确得当地使用语言。第四部分是对全文的总结。在这一部分,作者着重强调了委婉语是人类语言不可或缺、不可替代的重要组成部分。

  Abstract:The Euphemism is a phenomenon of language in human society, which is created when people are intent to realize the expecting results in the social communication. Among the various categories of language, it is the extremely colorful and active element. At the same time, it is also an important method of harmonizing the relationship between people. www.dxs56.com

  Euphemism plays an important role in the process of language communication. The functions of euphemism make people express themselves more freely and make communication go more smoothly. The history of mankind turns out that euphemism, especially the English euphemism, is a useful vehicle for people to achieve the success of social communication. With the intent to facilitate people to have a sufficient knowledge about English euphemism and a better understanding of English language and culture, this paper focuses on the characteristics and communicative functions of English euphemism.

  This paper consists of four parts. Part one is an overview of euphemism. In this part, the author introduces the definition of euphemism and the origin of English euphemism. Then in the second part, with the help of some examples and the specific context, the author analyzes in depth the characteristics, namely, epochal characteristic, national characteristic, regional characteristic, register characteristic and idiomatic characteristic. Through analysis, people can get a further understanding of English euphemism. The third part is the discussion of the communicative functions of English euphemism. Through the author's description and supplemented by some examples, the role of the euphemism played in the interpersonal communication is clearly seen. Its mild and indirect expressions beautify language and harmonize people's social life. At the same time, it will help people use language more precisely and accurately. Part four is a summary of this paper in which the author stresses that euphemism is an indispensable and irreplaceable part to human language. www.dxs56.com

  Content  Abstract II

  1. Introduction 1

  2. The Characteristics of English Euphemism 4

  2.1 Epochal Characteristic of English Euphemism 4

  2.2 National Characteristic of English Euphemism 4

  2.3 Regional Characteristic of English Euphemism 5

  2.4 Idiomatic Characteristic of English Euphemism 5

  2.5 Register Characteristic of English Euphemism 6

  3. The Communicative Functions of English Euphemism 6

  3.1 Evasive Function of English Euphemism 6

  3.1.1 Avoiding Taboo 7

  3.1.2 Avoiding Vulgarity 8

  3.2 Polite Function of English Euphemism 9

  3.3 Cosmetic Function of English Euphemism 10

  3.4 Humor Function of English Euphemism 10

  3.5 Encouraging Function of English Euphemism 10

  4. Conclusions 11


  [1] Adler, Max K. Naming and Addressing: A Sociolinguistic Study [M]. Hamburg: Buske, 1978.

  [2] Ayto, John. The Longman Register of New Words [M]. London: Longman, 1989.

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