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[10-27 16:55:06]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  大学英语六级考试试题   阅读:80
概要:38. Very often landlords don’t return tenants’ deposits on the pretext that _______.A) their rent has not been paid in timeB) there has been ordinary wear and tearC) tenants have done damage to the house D) the 30-day notice for moving out is over39. Why did the sponsor of the AB 2330 bill finally give in on the interest section?A) To put an end to a lengthy argument.B) To urge landlords to lobby for its passage.C) To cut down the heavy paperwork for its easy passage.D) To ma

38. Very often landlords don’t return tenants’ deposits on the pretext that _______.
A) their rent has not been paid in time
B) there has been ordinary wear and tear
C) tenants have done damage to the house
D) the 30-day notice for moving out is over

39. Why did the sponsor of the AB 2330 bill finally give in on the interest section?
A) To put an end to a lengthy argument.
B) To urge landlords to lobby for its passage.
C) To cut down the heavy paperwork for its easy passage.
D) To make it easier for the State Assembly to pass the bill.

40. It can be learned from the passage that ________.
A) both bills are likely to be made state laws
B) neither bill will pass through the Assembly
C) AB 2330 stands a better chance of passage
D) Sacramento and San Jose support SB 1403

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)
41. Grey whales have long been _______ in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that.
A) extinct B) extinguished C) detained D) deprived

42. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to ______ the newly launched satellite.
A) retreat B) retrieve C) embody D) embrace

43. Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa applications receive closer _________ than ever.
A) irrigate B) intrigue C) irritate D) intimidate

44. If you are late for the appointment, you might _______ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted.
A) irrigate B) intrigue C) irritate D) intimidate

45. Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal ______ as they have often seen in Disneyland.
A) cushions B) costumes C)skeletons D) ornaments

46. Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have _____ about their safety.
A) preserved B) traces C) tracks D) trails

47. This clearly shows that crops and weeds have quite a number of ________ in common.
A) traits B) traces C)tracks D) trails

48. From science to Shakespeare. Excellent television and video programs are available ________to teachers.
A) in stock B) in store C) in operation D) in abundance

49. When the Italian poet Dante was ________ from his home in Florence, he decided to walk form Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning of life.
A) exerted B) expired C) exiled D) exempted

50. Habits acquired in youth-notably smoking and drinking-may increase the risk of ________diseases in a person’s later life.
A) consecutive B) chronic C) critical D) cyclical

51. F.W. Woolworth was the first businessman to erect a true skyscraper to _______ himself, and in 1929, Al Smith, a former governor of New York, sought to outreach him.
A) portray B) proclaim C) exaggerate D) commemorate

52. To label their produce as organic, farmers have to obtain a certificate showing that no _______ chemicals have been used to kill pests on the farm for two years.
A) toxic B) tragic C) nominal D) notorious

53. Ancient Greek gymnastics training programs were considered to be an _______ part of the children’s education.
A) intact B) integral C) inclusive D) infinite

54. Researchers have found that happiness doesn’t appear to be anyone’s ______ ; the capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.
A) disposal B) excelled C) exceeded D) enriched





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