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[10-27 16:54:43]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  大学英语六级考试试题   阅读:80
概要: 7. According to child experts, how and when kids may be allowed more freedom depends on ________.A.the traditions and customs of the communityB.the safety conditions of their neighborhoodC.their parents’ psychological makeupD.their maturity and personal qualities8. According to Gallagher and Skenazy, children who are watchful will be better able to stay away from Unsafe situations.9. Being able to find out where a child is anytime helps lessen parents’ Their anxiety and cont

  7. According to child experts, how and when kids may be allowed more freedom depends on ________.
  A.the traditions and customs of the community
  B.the safety conditions of their neighborhood
  C.their parents’ psychological makeup
  D.their maturity and personal qualities
  8. According to Gallagher and Skenazy, children who are watchful will be better able to stay away from Unsafe situations.
  9. Being able to find out where a child is anytime helps lessen parents’ Their anxiety and control.
  10. Nowadays with the help of GPS cell phones, parents can, from a distance, track their children’s Movements.

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)
  Section A
  11. A.Fred forgot to call him last night about the camping trip.
  B.He is not going to lend his sleeping bag to Fred.
  C.He has not seen Fred at the gym for sometime.
  D.Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else.
  12. A.Summer has become hotter in recent years.
  B.It will cool down a bit over the weekend.
  C.Swimming in a pool has a relaxing effect.
  D.He hopes the weather forecast is accurate.
  13. A.Taking a picture of Prof. Brown.
  B.Commenting on an oil-painting.
  C.Hosting a TV program.
  D.Staging a performance.
  14. A.She can help the man take care of the plants.
  B.Most plants grow better in direct sunlight.
  C.The plants need to be watered frequently.
  D.The plants should be placed in a shady spot.
  15. A.Change to a more exciting channel.
  B.See the movie some other time.
  C.Go to bed early.
  D.Stay up till eleven.
  16. A.Both of them are laymen of modern art.
  B.She has beamed to appreciate modem sculptures.
  C.Italian artists’ works are difficult to understand.
  D.Modern artists are generally considered weird.
  17. A.They seem satisfied with what they have done.
  B.They have called all club members to contribute.
  C.They think the day can be called a memorable one.
  D.They find it hard to raise money for the hospital.
  18. A.The man shouldn’t hesitate to take the course.
  B.The man should talk with the professor first.
  C.The course isn’t open to undergraduates.
  D.The course will require a lot of reading.
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. A.Current trends in economic development.
  B.Domestic issues of general social concern.
  C.Stories about Britain’s relations with other nations.
  D.Conflicts and compromises among political parties.
  20. A.Based on the poll of public opinions.
  B.By interviewing people who file complaints.
  C.By analyzing the domestic and international situation.
  D.Based on public expectations and editors’ judgment.
  21. A.Underlying rules of editing.
  B.Practical experience.
  C.Audience’s feedback.
  D.Professional qualifications.
  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22. A.The average life span was less than 50 years.
  B.It was very common for them to have 12 children.
  C.They retired from work much earlier than today.
  D.They were quite optimistic about their future.
  23. A.Get ready for ecological changes.
  B.Adapt to the new environment.
  C.Learn to use new technology.
  D.Explore ways to stay young.
  24. A.When all women go out to work.
  B.When family planning is enforced..
  C.When a world government is set up.
  D.When all people become wealthier.
  25. A.Eliminate poverty and injustice.
  B.Migrate to other planets.
  C.Control the environment.
  D.Find inexhaustible resources.

  Section B
 Passage One
 Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. A.To help young people improve their driving skills.
  B.To alert teenagers to the dangers of reckless driving.
  C.To teach young people road manners through videotapes.
  D.To show teens the penalties imposed on careless drivers.
  27. A.Road accidents.
  B.Street violence.
  C.Drug abuse.
  D.Lung cancer.
  28. A.It has changed teens’ way of life.
  B.It has made teens feel like adults.
  C.It has accomplished its objective.
  D.It has been supported by parents.
 Passage Two
 Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  29. A.Customers may get addicted to the smells.
  B.Customers may be misled by the smells.
  C.It hides the defects of certain goods.
  D.It gives rise to unfair competition.

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