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[10-15 20:03:42]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  简历模板   阅读:8846
概要: 构筑全国范围内同大学生院校 科研机构的技术合作交流网络 l Had Built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all over the nation and with a few technical research institutions. 协调由产品进口-代理商-用户的产品流通各个环节 l Had coordinated in various stages of product circulation from their importation to the distribution dealers, and finally to the customers. 产品销售 技术支持(如速崩、控释制剂等药品固体制剂新技术) l In charge of product sale and technical support (for new technology on solid medicines su
构筑全国范围内同大学生院校  科研机构的技术合作交流网络
      l Had Built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all over the nation and with a few technical research institutions.
      l Had coordinated in various stages of product circulation from their importation to the distribution dealers, and finally to the customers.
产品销售  技术支持(如速崩、控释制剂等药品固体制剂新技术)
      l In charge of product sale and technical support (for new technology on solid medicines such as those for curing frusemide, dediabetes insipidus and for controlling urine release.
1993 - 1994年    日本神户学院大学生药剂研究室  访问交流学者
1993 - 1994       Had been a visiting scholar at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan
      l Had Engaged in the dynamic appraisals of drug metabolism of the new anti-allergic drugs.
研究成果分别于95  96年日本药学会上发表
      l The results of the research were published on magazine of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, in 1995 and 1996.
1983 - 1992年    上海○○○○制药厂  基因工程研究所  课题研究项目负责人
1983 - 1992      Had been the Person-in-Charge of a subject research project of Gene Engineering Institute, Shanghai XXX Pharmaceutical Factory.
      l Had independently finished a reformation process on the traditional purification technique of bio-chemical medicines with a hi-tech technology of the affinity chromatography to provide technical quality feasibility in increasing purity of the new release pharmacopeia by more than two times. This project had obtained the Shanghai 3rd grade prize of technological achievements.
     l Had assisted in finishing a series of tackling key technical problems of the export medical materials to meet the contract quality requirements.
Language and computer abilities
        日语流利  英语良好  普通话  上海话 
     l Fluent in Japanese, speak quite good English and being a native speaker of Mandarin and Shanghai dialects.
                  熟练操作各办公软件  自如运用互联网信息资源
     l Skillfully use various office-running software and can use Internet information resource at ease.
Professional Overview
      l Eight years experience of engaging natural medicine projects from the stages of research and development to putting them into production in state-owned research institutions. 
     l Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines.
三年外企市场策划  业务开拓  技术支持经验
     l Three years expe

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