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[10-15 20:03:42]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  简历模板   阅读:8754
概要:语言能力 外语: 英语精通 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 良好 工作能力及其他专长 主要工作能力:1.接待外商,翻译,提供商务服务。2.带外国客户到工厂参观、下单;负责翻译、报价;制作形式发票,签订合同,跟进生产。3.联系船务/货运公司,租船订仓;到工厂验货,装柜,提供报关资料,准备提单,产地证,制作发票,装箱单,办理保险/商检,寄单等。熟悉整个外贸流程,船务操作和货运事宜;有效及时地对订单全程跟进;能够独立地跟踪客户。4. 开发客户,维护客户资源,通过多渠道提高产品品牌知名度。---------------------------------相关技能:熟练OFFICE(WORD,EXCEL,POWERPOINT等)办公软件,精通英语,日语日常会话,熟悉会计基础。------------------
外语: 英语 精通
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 良好
4. 开发客户,维护客户资源,通过多渠道提高产品品牌知名度。
※ 本人真诚、内敛、专注,具备良好的团队协作能力。
※ 具有很强的英语口语表达能力和公文阅读,书写能力。
※ 工作热情高,能承受工作压力,领悟性、执行能力强。
※ 独立的工作能力和高度的责任感,优秀的思维、沟通和学习能力。
English Resume:                            R E S U M E
Name :  ELLA                       Gender:Female
Email:  chenyilingily@hotmail.com     Mobile : 13688858517
Self Assessment:
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work under pressure and overwork. Teamwork spirit, resourceful and can work under a dynamic environment. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths. Willing to learn and progress.
Work Experience:
2004/1-----2006/2  AHSP international trade corporation     in Guangzhou city
In a Saudi Arabia-based trading company act as liaison between clients and suppliers, take charge of all orders from clients, answering customer inquiry, track and expedite orders, make analysis, quote and counter price. I have worked successfully in expanding export business and also maintaining some long-term business partners abroad. My job is well connected with granite, ceramics, furniture and garments etc. The target market mainly covers Mid-east countries.
2006/4----2008/1  GLX TRADING COMPANY            in Guangzhou city  
As a staff in shipping affair Dept., I have mastered the procedures of exporting affairs, such as booking container, contacting shipping agent, arranging inspection affairs, preparing for customs documents and tracking containers’ status and so on.
Education & Training History:
Graduate school: South Central University    Major: Business English      2000.9--2004.7
Qiaoguang accounting training center      basic accounting knowledge 2007.3--2007.7  
Related Skills:
Competent in use of office MS (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Japanese daily conversation  and basic accounting.
English Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.

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