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[12-20 02:02:00]   来源:http://www.dxs56.com  高考真题   阅读:8509
概要:Their climb of half drnd wat aot all smooth at one point pieees of nock and cot dropped dows quicktu wellman locked their rope in place shopping the quick actinn prot\bably Partoer can save your hie partner’s life pair reccived congrations from friends “there are teat close tice “64 hish of the following was a challengea for corhett in climbing half dome ?A climb uo to remose the spoked B o climb it twieeC to do 5.000pall ups up the rope D o lock the ripe in plac

Their climb of half drnd wat aot all smooth at one point pieees of nock and cot dropped dows quicktu wellman locked their rope in place shopping the quick actinn prot\bably

Partoer can save your hie partner’s life pair reccived congrations from friends “there are teat close tice “

64  hish of  the following was a challengea for corhett in climbing half dome ?

A    climb uo to remose the spoked  B  o climb it twiee

C  to  do 5.000pall ups up  the  rope  D  o lock the ripe in place

65 hant do we know about wellman?

A  climbed half dome bu himself

B   he   was dimbled in a traffic accident

C   he stopped rock-climbing for some time

D  he was saved by  corvbelt duning the climb

66. hy   did  th two nen necer talk about climbing when they frist met ?

A   belt  was pllrly trained

B    man had lost interest in slimbing

C    bett didn’t want to hurt wellman

D    man  handn’tdecided want to alice apain

67.    main idea of the text is that

A   o heads are better than one

B   p is precious in life

C   d should  never

D   man can be destoued but tanmh be beleated


     Ireland has had a very difficult .The problems siarted in the 16th century when English ruler tried to conquer (征服)  Ireland . For lrundreds of years ,the lrish people fought against the Enjlish ,Finally, in 1921 ,the British government was forced to give indepenlence to the eouth of lreland .the result in hat today there are two “lrelands”.Northern lrcland .in the north ,is part of the

Romendmedor ,the Republie of lreland ,in the routh in an independent country.

In the    main ctop  picture , way affectord In dicesic and alone 750,000 peorle diert of bunget. The ,and a abortage (短缺) of work , forced many people to leave lreland and live in the USA ,the UK ,Austnlia and Canada ,As a result of these problern ,the population fell from 8.2 millurn in 1841to 6.6million in 1851.

For many years ,the majority of Lnsh people earned their as farners . Today mary     shll work on the land has more word more people are moving to the             and dffoces .Life in the          from life in the         move at a quieter and slower pace .12345678 www.dxs56.com

The lrish are famous being warn-bearted and friendly .Oscar wolde ,a farnius lrish write .once said that the lrish were “the greatest talkers since the Creeks” .Since independence ,Ireland has revived (复兴)its own culture of music ,language , literature and singing .Different areas have different styles of old lrish songs which are sung without instrunents .Other kinds of lrish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.

68.What does the author tell us in        .

A How the lrish fought again           .

B How Ireland gained indepentrnce

C How English rulers tried to conquer lreland .

D How tow “lrelands”came into being

69.We learn from the text that in lreland _______

A food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population

B people are moving to the citiesfor lack of word in the countrysids

C     harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker

D     kind  of  old                     instrnents

70.       paragraph  is  mainly             

A the  lrish  eharacter              B lrish  culture

C lrish  musical instnrunments            D  a farmous  lrish  writer

72.what can be the best title for the text  ?

A life in lreland

B A Very Difficult history

C lreland  past and perstent

D the irdrpendence of  lreland12345678 www.dxs56.com


???????freohmk would like the world to pot a mark in it. He makes his case in a new book,listening for meoning in a wlrid of  noitse.  Here he explanins if (asing his inchoing woice)

“We’hescme so arcuatonmel to moise , there’s aintel a deep prejudice againt .idea that ? might be benefach ?????????ti be quiet, year ??????????????it’s neve been more ?????????????qyict, Silcin ???????????mproves our bealth, and is a key to lasling peace and satisfacien

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